International Baccalaureate
The International Baccalaureate Program (IB) at Carrollton High School is a rigorous course of study designed to meet the needs of highly motivated secondary students and to promote international understanding.
The effectiveness of the IB program is due not only to the depth of the individual courses, but also to the comprehensive nature of the program. Unlike other honors programs, the IB Diploma Program requires each student to take courses in six academic areas which culminate in international examinations. To qualify for the International Baccalaureate Diploma, students must take examinations in six subject areas, participate in the Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) program, and write an extended essay. The diploma candidate must also take a unique course known as Theory of Knowledge. In this course, students explore the connections and similarities between the various subjects, learn to think, and apply interrelated concepts. Many students earning the IB Diploma are awarded advanced college credit at prestigious universities around the world.
Many highly competitive colleges and universities recognize the IB Diploma for admissions and/or advanced standing. CHS IB students may also participate in the Advanced Placement (AP) Program. Many universities express that IB Diploma students are among the best prepared for university study.
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